Wednesday, 24 April 2013

How to be More Relaxed and Less Stressed Without Anyone Knowing


I've written this article for those of you who want to reduce stress, ease off of anxiety and just feel more relaxed.

This easy practise can deliver a powerful boost to your overall well being. Quickly too, in my experience. Even more with practice. Treat it as fun.  I think you'll discover a powerful way to  enjoy warm relaxation that feels so good for your health.  Another benefit will be that you've found a way to have more control over how you feel.

Why do I practice it?  It's one of the techniques I use to reduce feelings of stress. It works quickly.  It's very simple to use. 
And one of the best things is, it can be done safely anywhere.  Well, mostly anywhere.  So long as you avoid operating heavy or potentially dangerous machinery. Or activities that require you to concentrate so as to avoid the activity being a danger to you or others.  So it's best not to do it if driving, flying airplanes or eating chips. 

However, you can do it while walking (with a bit of practice). When your standing in a queue or waiting for your partner or friend to turn up/leave the changing room/finish the set. You can practice it while sat with a coffee in your favourite chain.  You can basically experience this anywhere that's appropriate for you.

But I'll simply begin by suggesting you do this standing up, sitting or lying down.  

  •  Stand upright with both feet firmly on the floor. If you prefer to sit for health reasons then that's good too.    
  • Allow your body to relax.  Feel how your body's balance shifts as you relax and let your body take care of itself.  Notice what feels natural or better in your posture. 
  • Gently scan over your body and get an overall impression of the way you feel.
  • Casually notice your breathing, it's natural rhythm.  Only observe your breathing.  Your body is taking care of itself automatically.
  • Be aware of the most tense spot in your body.  Accept that it is there as a natural part of this experience. Don't try and avoid it or smother it with a desire to be more relaxed.
  • Then be aware of any comfort in your body. Or even the lack of it.  But find the most relaxed sensation in your body. Accept that it's also there as a natural part of you right now.  
  • Focus on all those sensations of relaxation.  Notice exactly how and where they feel.  Now make the sensations bigger, wider, deeper if it feels OK.  Do it very gently if you prefer. Or simply let those relaxing sensations grow naturally through your body. And really feel them growing. softly, gently. Just allow yourself to enjoy this now.
  • Be aware of any related good sensations.  Gently tell your body to produce more wonderful sensations of relaxation if that's good for you right now.
  • Allow those good feelings to grow until you're happy to guide them through your body to replace any tense spots.
  • Stand comfortably when you're ready to do so.  Notice how differently you feel.  What has changed about your appreciation of your body?
  • With this state of relaxation,  begin moving slowly in any way or time you feel is good.
  • Whenever you're ready,  go about your other activities of the day.  If you experienced a very relaxed state then maybe eat and drink to help focus you on other things. And do this while appreciating the new sensations you've created for yourself.

 I hope you find this useful and a pleasure.  Tell me if you are.   It's an exercise that can produce really calming, pleasurable experiences if you're willing to focus on it.   After practising this some people have said they felt less critical and more accepting of their body.  That can only be a good thing.

Don't take my word for it. Experience the pleasure for yourself.

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