Monday, 29 April 2013

How to Make Soundscapes Inside Your Head - In Less Time than Buying Headphones

I love my music !
Do you lovingly search for music to download and tunes to spend your money on?  Do you feel that sounds are made to give you happiness, excitement, satisfaction, relaxation, more energy?  And do you like control over what sounds you want and when?  

Then read on 'cos this may be good for you.

You'll probably agree that most of use are fortunate to live in a huge, rich, multi textured and ever repeating soundscape. The really amazing thing about this is that's it's both inside and outside of us. We can play around with this soundscape. Especially when it's inside of us.  And I think it's more important to have fun getting the sounds 'right' inside of us.   

To help make this happen (if you aren't doing it already) are two exercises, given below, with some ideas for exploring 'on the inside'. I've practised them and I felt the effects.  I mean I felt noticeably different from when I started.  And you know, it felt good. Very good.

I'm sure you've all heard of mantras. They are a sound, created inside you to effect change in your awareness. Mantras are constructed from a series of syllables that appear to mean nothing when read by themselves.

Plenty has been written on the internet and in books about mantras. I've used several mantras some years ago and to be honest, I can't remember them now.  But what I do remember are their effects. More significantly, I remember the ways to repeat mantras or syllables internally.

 I discovered a lot can be revealed by the way I repeated syllables and even some everyday words. The effects were varied. One useful thing I remember is that a mantra has no personal, logical, social meaning to block what you may experience directly from saying it.

A little extra on syllables and their sounds
Some syllables have no meaning by themselves.  They have less mental, emotional or physical associations with them. Therefore it's easier for you to repeat them and 'go inside' to discover more. Mantras move your focus of awareness from the exterior world, into yourself. They offer an absence of logical reasoning. Such syllables may replace reasoning and thinking with insight and realisation. I like to think that's a good thing.

Personally I don't like the label 'mantra'. Too many associations with ancient cultures and practices.  I won't be revealing any mantras here, like 'Om' for example. That's not what this post is about.  I will be giving you a few ways to create sounds inside yourself for positive effects. Or at the least effects that are interesting and fun.  What more could you want?

Your name as your Sound
Sometime, very early in your life, a series of shapes called letters and syllables were given a very personal meaning and structure. Due to many years of use, your name combines intention, repetition, meaning and elicits a state of awareness from you. The obvious difference with your name is that others more often say your name than you do. Your name, that 'word' has personal, social meaning. When read and heard as a series of syllables it changes and social meanings fade away. The meaning is what you experience in a new way inside yourself.

The effects it produces in you are what's important for this article to have any meaning. So let's play. Let's start right now.

Using your name for a change
Explore as much as you can, by saying your name as if it were the first time you'd heard the word or read the syllables that make it. For this exercise only, of course. You'll not be saying this out loud. Only say it to yourself.  Inside your own head.
  • Relax and sit comfortably.
  • Just allow every part of you to relax even more.
  • Now say your name to yourself using your inner voice.  Repeat it in a way that's comfortable to you. 
  • Be aware of any feelings you have, when they say your name with a certain emphasis and loudness.
  •  Be aware of any physical sensations or movements you experience.
    • Change the volume - say it more quietly, in a whisper then more loudly until it sounds like your filling a stadium with your name.  Simply notice the experiences this gives you.
    Was that interesting?  What exactly did you notice? Be especially aware of any feelings or emotions, physical sensations and thoughts. 

    How far can we take this?
    All the way!  Your name and especially the statements you make to yourself (via your inner dialogue) are the powerful mantras you carry every daily.  Even if you don't notice yourself doing it. Mindfulness based practices are an excellent way to find out more of what you're often doing but not always paying attention to. But more on that another time.

    Anyway, the way you make sounds packs power into the nouns or adjectives we use to describe ourselves.  And we've usually got less to compare it with.  So we have less to distract us.  For example if you repeat in a slow monotone "I'm beautiful and love everything in the world" how quickly will you compare this beauty to another and would you really 'love' everything in the world?  And what do you mean by love anyway?  See?  It's a potential Pandora's box of distraction.  So let's keep this simple.  I think it's more powerful that way. 
    When you repeat a syllable or syllables with intention (and relaxation) you experience effects more fully. How many of us do that with adjectives or nouns that describe us? 

    The following exercise uses your internal voice or inner dialogue. Remember to be seated and really comfortable. If at anytime you are less than comfortable, stop. Do something else and return to this again later. Focussed and inspired.  Remember that you're exploring. Boldly going....

    Say the syllables or words continuously until you are content. With eyes closed you'll be aware of more. If you get distracted, gently return to repeating the syllables or words. Simply repeat. Just notice whatever you experience from this.  You can begin by knowing you're comfortable, safe and getting to know more of what you already are. Which is very cool (not in the least metaphysical).

    From an adjective or a noun, into a syllable or a sound.  It's all inside you
    Read through the exercise and be familiar with it.
    Choose a word or words that make you feel really great. For those of you who don't find a word easily, be daring. No one ever has to know what words you choose. Be wild and imaginative. Provoke a response from yourself that pleases and surprises you. Better yet find something that rocks your world.
    • Pick a word or two that instantly create a wonderful feeling.
    • Sit down with both feet on the floor, back straight and comfortable.
    • Relax. Take your time and relax as deeply as you can.
    • Say the word or syllables to yourself as you normally would. Do this internally using your inner dialogue.
    • Notice whatever you notice.
    • Increase the volume.  Then say it with a 'higher' voice then a 'lower, deeper voice'. You may prefer to think of it as changing the pitch and tempo.
    • Take a moment or longer to experience the differences from this. Write them down of you like.  Remember to remain relaxed and focussed.
    • Now soften the sound, make it low and gentle.  Notice the effects.
    • Say the syllables or words with a direction going outwards from you.
    • Then send them in different directions. Away from you, then toward you.
    • Say the syllables or words so they are in your space all around you.
    • Explore all these and make a note of what you find.  
     When you're happy to just sit comfortably and gently move.  Focus again on the physical place around you. Make a cup of tea, have a snack and move around some more.  You may like to write your insights, feelings and discoveries on paper or tablet.

    I highly recommend taking moments each day in exploring internal sounds and their effects. I always remember a friend saying to me: 'You'll only know what benefits you'll get when you go inside and find out.'

    On that note...

    Thanks for reading.

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