Monday, 17 June 2013

The Simple Process That Makes Me Calm and Refreshed

ralph and jenny's photostream.  Thanks for sharing the photo.

I originally wrote this post back in 2009.  But I practised this meditation again recently and I enjoyed such a wonderful boost to feeling healthy I decided to include it here.  It's not what I 'strictly' call meditation but who wants things strict in meditation anyway?  I prefer to think of it as visualising rather than meditating. The great thing about visualising is that you're using your imagination.  You'll be using it creatively for making all sorts of wonderful sensations for feeling relaxed or energetic. What you get depends on your creativity, willingness to explore and some concentration, of course. For myself, this is a really simple way into relaxing and feeling refreshed. It's simple, imaginative and it works very well. I believe it'll work very well for you too. You might discover all sorts of fantastic ways to use your imagination.

Use it any time, anywhere you're not driving or operating machinery. You can successfully get the benefits whilst at work, sat in a cafe, on public transport, at home in front of the TV or computer.

To discover even more about how you can benefit from this, go through the 'features' list of this exercise near the bottom of the article. These are suggestion to enhance the experience and positive effects of this meditation.

After you have read the following suggestions close your eyes and practice this meditation.

  • Begin by sitting comfortably with your back straight and head balanced naturally with your eyes looking forward.
  • Place both your feet flat on the floor.
  • Breathe naturally through your nose and relax.
  • Imagine 'energy' or 'roots' moving down from the top of your head to the soles of your feet.
  • Now imagine the roots moving down from both your feet into the ground below you.
  • Move those roots deep into the earth below.
  • Allow them to travel as far and as deep as feels natural to you.
  • Keep this process comfortable and avoid forcing anything.
  • When the 'roots' stop moving, sit still and calmly notice everything you can. However big or small. Inside of you, outside of you. Sit quietly for as long or as short as you like.
  • Simply notice what you notice.
When you are satisfied with sitting still, then you can use your imagination again. Still having your 'roots' in the earth below, you do the following:
  • Imagine nature's revitalising powerful energy entering your body via the roots.
  • The energy will travel into the soles of your feet and move a natural easy-flowing course through your body.
  • Intend the energy to move from the tips of your toes to the top of your head and everywhere in between.
  • Have the intention that this natural energy will infuse every part of your body including it's organs, bones, capillaries, blood vessels, cells with revitalising power.
  • Sit and enjoy this for as long as you like.

In the future you may like to be aware of more specific features of this exercise.  These are made as questions to help you explore the wonderful changes you can make in yourself.  I find they help me increase my skills and awareness of how easy it is to feel really good:

How relaxed do you become?

What is the colour or colours of your relaxation or the energy?
Where does the energy move?
What speed does the energy move?
Can you speed it up or slow it down?
Where do you feel the energy will be best used inside you?
What are all the different feelings it gives you?
Does it change the clarity of your thinking afterwards?
Does it increase your ability to be less distracted afterwards?
How still do you become when meditating like this?
When do you imagine this meditation will be useful in your life?

Remember to sit quietly, feet on the floor, back straight and relax. Then visualise roots spreading down inside your body, from the top of your head through your feet into the earth below. Use this whether you are sat at home, sat on a plane, train or the 34th floor of a tower. It doesn't matter where you are but what you are capable of doing to relax, meditate and feel good.
It's your imagination to to use any way you like. I hope you're really enjoying it.

Thanks for reading,

Tuesday, 4 June 2013

Meditation Exercising

Meditation Garden
Nieve44/Luz's Photostream

This article is inspired by two things: one is a remark by somebody about their own so called inability to concentrate when meditating (and admitting they found it 'boring' because of this). The second is circuit training. Yes,  you read that right. Read on to discover more.

It's quite simple. In truth it's very simple: Three meditative exercises to quickly help you concentrate by giving a variety of activity (meditation IS an activity, hence my use of the term 'exercise'). The common theme for all three, is that you'll be using your sight. You'll be starting each meditation with the activity of observing. 

It's entirely your choice how long you practise each meditation and in what order.  If you're new to meditation I'd recommend practising each for 2 - 5 minutes. Do this with the intention of fully focusing on each one. With the emphasis on relaxation.

Please note
This is not a competition. You are not striving for anything. Just a gentle and firm intention to focus on each meditation as you're doing it.  If you get distracted, simply return your attention to the exercise. Simple.

Read another note
Have fun. Your are exploring your own skills. And you will be developing those skills while discovering more about yourself. Especially if you've never done these meditations before. It's something new.  Maybe you'll be agreeing with me soon that discovery can be a really good thing.  But you tell me your experience.  Let me know once you've practised. Post a comment below.

Useful Meditation Timer Apps
If you're the type of person who gets comfort from measuring precise periods of time then timer apps are for you.  There's a good choice of meditation timer apps to download for free or pay for Android and iOS (iPhone). Check out iTunes for iOS and Google Play store for Android. I use Insight Timer for Android. Very simple and effective to use. Alternatively, if you enjoy physical exercise then check out the HIIT Interval timers. It's good for timing these meditations too.

The Meditation Exercises

1. Candle Meditation.
Focus on the candle flame for your set time. Simply observe the flame. Avoid thinking about it's colour, movement etc. You are only observing the flame.  It does not require any thoughts or feelings about it (or the exercise itself) to be a flame.  Simply observe in a relaxed and relaxing way. 

2. The View from Your Window
Assuming you have a window to look through. Remember you are only observing in a relaxed and relaxing way.

3. A Blank Wall.
Yes. Imagine how interesting that is. Well, as you've probably understood by now, interesting is not what it's about. Interesting is the result of comparison. Comparison is a distraction. And  contrary to the purposes of these meditation exercises.  But it's what we do naturally. I mean both comparing and meditating.  But you can decide which is to be used and when. Gently remind yourself: Relax and simply observe. 

And have fun!!

Suggestions for Easing in Your Meditations
  • Decide upon a time for each meditation. Be it two minutes, seven, fifteen or more. 
  • Choose your own sequence of exercises. Or practise as listed above.
  • Have a short pause between each meditation. Reflect upon your concentration, comfort or discomfort, moments of distraction and any insights should you have them. Reset your timer app if needed.   
  • Choose alternate 'things' to meditate upon.  Instead of a blank wall, choose a picture on your wall or the sky above you. The important thing is to just observe. 
  • If you get distracted by criticism (I mean that criticising 'internal' voice many of us have and that actually has it's uses at other times) of the object or yourself, just pause a moment.  Be gentle in your response by acknowledging the critical reaction. Then allow  yourself to be relaxing again. Then return to meditating. 
  • Forget about the 'time' element to this.  It's only a guide. We often find a laser beam focus when we know our time is limited.  
  • Most importantly from my point of view, it is for you to take this easy. Make this easy.  Please relax and relax some more.  Let it be fun.  You may be finding this very funny. And if you are, then surely that's a good thing?

Well, that's it folks! 

Please update me on your experiences. I'm always happy to know something of what you do.

Thanks for reading.